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KAYO MiniGP Full Spectrum Light Weight Lithium Batteries and Chargers

Battery Size
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Optimate Lithium Dual Battery Charger
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Extra Pig Tail for Use with Full Spectrum Optimate Charger
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In stock
Product Details
Brand: Full Spectrum

I use and Highly Recommend this product to you. P1 Full Spectrum- 160 CCA under 1 lb in weight. Best in Class for power - CCA - Longevity - Safety of Use -

This is the Only Certified Military Grade Lithium Battery sold in the USA that is certified safe for air transport and Qualifies as a Non-Dangerous Good. That tells you everything about the quality of this Lithium Battery.

Saves you 5 - 10 lbs off your bikes battery weight depending on the size of bike you ride. That is non reciprocating Dead Weight being removed from your bike.

This is a Military Grade Battery that will not let you down. Charges off of your bikes charging system. You can order the right charger for it inexpensively from the drop down boxes for off season storage maintenance. You must never Charge from a traditional Battery Charger or Boost from Lead Acid or Traditional Batteries... Only use the Lithium rated Chargers..

Order the P1 for bike 500cc and under. P4 for really built engines or Inline 4 bikes from 600cc to 1000cc and up.

These are excellent parts that will serve you well. Everything is in stock and ready to ship.

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KAYO MiniGP Full Spectrum Light Weight Lithium Batteries and Chargers